Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Progress continues to be made with the interior renewal of the Church. As mentioned in previous notices the flooring is complete, work continues on the new cooling and heating system, and we are now awaiting parts for the new lighting controls. Our pews have been refurbished and have been bolted back down into the floors. On the week of September 16th the upholstery team employed by Artech Church Interiors will be down to install the foam padding and the upholstery on the pews. Finally on the week of September 23rd the pew team will return to reinstall the bookracks and the new kneelers.
Now that we have a definitive schedule we can say for certain that ALL Masses will return to the Church for the weekend of September 28th and 29th. There is now a tentative plan in place (which is highly probable and likely but not definite) to transition from Brenner Hall on Sunday September 22nd back into the Church. On Sunday the 22nd the plan is to celebrate the Sunday morning Masses in Brenner Hall. At the 10:45 am Mass at the conclusion of the Mass the Blessed Sacrament will be processed from Brenner Hall back into the Church. This will allow many parishioners to get a first look at the work that has been done. The Sunday evening 5:30 pm Mass will be celebrated in the Church with Bishop Gainer as celebrant for the beginning of the 40 Days for Life. For those who desire to attend the Sunday Evening Mass there will be no frontal screen in front of the first pews, no bookracks and no kneelers. There will be incense and music at that Mass. This will be nailed down officially that week so keep an eye on our parish Facebook page and website!
Since the pew team will be working to install the bookracks, new frontal screen in the front and new kneelers he next day after the Bishop’s Mass there will be no weekday confessions or Mass from Monday September 23rd thru Thursday September 26th. Parishioners are encouraged that week to attend daily Mass at one of our neighboring parishes. The school Mass for September 27th will be celebrated in the Church at 9 am.
Because there is so much going on around that time we will be having our own parish fall fest/picnic on October 20th to celebrate the competition of phase two following the 10:45 am Mass. Mark your calendars today! Formal invitations will be sent out in the mail mid-September. We invite you to invite the rest of your families, former parishioners, and perhaps those interested in the Catholic Church to join you for this special day. Of course I would you encourage you to invite individuals to make a visit earlier if there schedule allows.
I cannot thank everyone enough for your financial and prayerful support for this project. Working together we have accomplished a lot the last couple of years. We could not have done it without everyone’s help! While we have accomplished a lot there is still more to be done. In addition to you the parishioners I also want to extend a huge thank you to the members of the Capital Improvement Committee for their hard work these past couple of years. Together we spent many hours debating, researching, and praying seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us make the right choices. As we walk around the property and enter Church we will see all the great work that was accomplished by us working together as the Body of Christ. Thank you everyone! All this for the GLORY OF GOD!
Fr. Keith M. Carroll
Pastor of Saint Patrick Church