Homily Note on Discipleship:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are reminded that the "Lord is our light and our salvation." It is the Lord who guides our hands and feet. The readings call us to reflect on discipleship and that we are called by our baptism to proclaim the Gospel by our actions helping others to experience the light of Christ.
As we move forward I kindly ask all parishioners to reflect on a way you can get involved in our parish. We have people who are overly involved (and continue to be and others have stepped away, which is understandable) and we have others who come to Church and fulfill the basic responsibilities. Being a part of something comes with a responsibility. Think about how you can become more involved. The work of ministry is not just for the clergy, religious, and the parish staff, but the responsibility ultimately belongs to everyone. We have an important task. Please consider one thing (and only one thing) you would like to be involved in.
Thank you for your consideration. It is important for us to be reminded of our call to discipleship and it is important that you and I be united in this call of Jesus Christ to be faithful disciples, supporting one another in the faith.
In Christ,
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