Retreat Took Place in our Parish on Nov 07, 2015.
Delay in posting was due to syncing of Video and Audio Portions Recorded.
Mass | 8:30 am |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament | |
Adoration and Introduction | |
Talk One: How the Eucharist Makes the Parish |
Talk Two: Who is the St. Patrick Faith Community |
Questions and Answers with Sr. Geralyn | |
Benediction | |
Procession of Blessed Sacrament in the Church | |
Final Blessing and Closing |
Sr. Geralyn's Talks begin with the Second Video Below:
Sister Geralyn is a powerful, wonderful speaker.
You will not be disappointed!
Biography of Sister Geralyn Schmidt, SCC
Sister Geralyn Schmidt, SCC is the Director of Formation for the Wives of the Diaconate for Diocese of Harrisburg as well as the Wide Area Network Coordinator.